Development of website on CMS Bitrix |
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Development of the websites on 1C Bitrix

We develop personal projects on a platform 1C Bitrix with a possibility of convenient control of the placed information on your resource. This is the professional solution for the development of large projects of any complexity.

The SOS Company develops on 1C of Bitrix:

  • Unique corporate websites;
  • Large and convenient online store;
  • The functional Internet portals;
  • Subject websites of communities;
  • Full-scale social networks and many other things.

Advantages of creating sites on an individual CMS:

Simple control of your resource

The control of your resource will be as simple as typing in any text editor. Processing and execution of all difficult processes will be undertaken by a platform. In system there is a special service under the name “Hermitage” which is adaptive. This service much more facilitates process of a study of CMS, reduces probability of making erratic actions and allows to make quicker changes on the website. This service is able to remember the steps taken by you and helps you in case of repeated changes, that, as a result, simplifies editing information.

Tuned functionality

You shouldn't think of functions which will perhaps be necessary for you. The platform has more than 40 special plug-ins which allow you to control easily content on your resource. Some of them are: editing and adding of content on the website, control online sales, connection of a functionality of a social network, creation of gallery and adding media files, adding a forum or the blog, control of advertising banners and many other things.

The increased safety

Numerous researches of the third-party competent companies confirmed that the websites designed on this CMS have high degree of protection against the hacker attacks and cracking of a system. The platform possesses “The Pro-active Protection” function, the realized functions: the built-in filter (pro-active), virus protection and the scanner of safety the sewed in system, functions of one-time passwords and many other useful options.

High rates of productivity

Information processing rate on your website will be always controlled by CMS. The platform online makes self-diagnostics and quickly informs on measures for improving the operation of your resource. The platform allows to increase website performance measures even in case of modest characteristics of the server, especially it is urgent for websites with a large number of a traffic (visitors) in days or with high loadings in a short period.

Cloud services

Content management system 1C of Bitrix allows to do free of charge an information archiving from your website on a cloud server (backup). One more useful function is "CDN - the acceleration of the website" which allows to load to the website all static information in real time (images, css styles, the javascript codes, etc.). CMS possesses ready software solutions which can "watch" behind your website eyes of visitors of a resource and show up-to-date information about the comfort of your resource for them.

Integration with 1C in real time

CMS Bitrix allows to exchange easily data with such product 1C as "1C the Enterprise". This integration much more simplifies filling of your website up-to-date information. You can post automatically on the website directories with your goods from the database, the prices of your goods and services (price lists) or on the contrary to do unloading of information from the website (information on orders and on the status of their processing, on quantity of goods in a warehouse). There are ready software solutions which will help you to unload all information on goods without loading your online shop, even in the presence of more than 100 000 names of goods which need to be unloaded at once.

Ready to discuss Your project?

We at SOS are ready to accompany customers from the launch point to the fullPromotion of their project.The web sites developed by us, not only look likeBeautiful, but also working for the benefit of our customers.