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Why is it necessary to promote your business through smm?

10 Jul / 2017 Published: Gulzira Ajiniyaz Internet Marketing

In the modern world more than 85% of all marketers of B2B sector take advantages of promotions of business with social nets or just SMM.

As practice shows, SMM always will be for you the relevant tool for development of your brand and increase in quantity of the sold goods.

Promotion on social networks solves the following problems:

Makes easier the process of communication with your possible buyers and the current clients (increase the loyalty);

Increases the recognition of your company;

Increases percent of sales from each address to you;

Makes your target audience more loyal to you;

Naturally increases sales.

Before beginning to apply all rich SMM tools, you have to decide on the answer to these questions:

What objects are set for your business?

For what purpose you will organize this marketing advance?

How does your potential client look?

Having answered these three questions, you rather just will be able to choose future platform (social net) for communication with the clients and also choose the way suitable for this purpose.

How to gain the maximum effect of promotion on social networks

Choose one main platform for advance. You have to solve  on what social networks it will be more significant for your company to be promoted, and after to direct the most part of the efforts to it. Thus, you squeeze out a maximum of this instrument of Internet marketing. 

Posts. Posts which you publish on the pages in social networks have to be small and effective. Posts can be not only the text, it can also be the interesting videos or images relating to your niche.

Communication with clients. Enter dialogue with users who monitor your page. You can publish different actions, competitions and even polls, you can award the most active with prizes with symbolics of your brand. These simple actions will guarantee loyalty to your company.

Instruments of Internet marketing develop every day. Don't leave alone present trends! It guarantees to your company stable growth throughout long time.

We estimate results of the done SMM

If you want to have an idea of whether your promotion is in the necessary direction, then you should watch efficiency of activity of your subscribers, to increase their quantity and to increase the sales.

Do you probably have hardly read the offer above and you think that it is very heavy? However, in reality these calculations seem difficult which aren't in fact. For this purpose, it is necessary to consider these indicators only: engagement rate (percent of the involved users), increase in quantity and coverage of the users (reach and follower growth), acquisition (involvement of buyers) signed on the page and assisted and direct conversion (associative and direct conversion).

"Engagement rate" shows, content which was how published by you relevant for subscribers of your page. In other words, it turns out - whether at you to communicate with those people to whom your attention is required.

Work with the general coverage and involvement:

If you want to calculate coefficient of the involved users, then realize it with a binding to the general coverage of your post (for your subscribers or for potential clients). This way is ideal at assessment of goodness of the published materials, however the tool loses accuracy at big increase in coverage of your publications.

Work with subscribers to a certain date and involvement:

Using this way, you as a result receive enough constant which will help you to carry out assessment of the involvement of your current subscribers. Having made calculation for days of the week and having displayed all this in the form of the schedule, you will be able to have an idea of the actual results of your content marketing for the reporting period. As a result, changing and finishing your materials, you will be able to observe significant increase or recession of these indicators.

"Success formula"

Level of the daily involvement of the page = Likes + Comments + Reposts for a certain day / the Total number of subscribers for this day x 100%


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