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How to check a website traffic?

30 Nov / 2022 Published: SOS team WEBSITE

Are you looking for a way to find out how much traffic a website is getting? With website traffic checkers, you can estimate how much traffic a website is getting. In this article, we will not only look at the best tools for checking website traffic.

You will be able to find out:
Which traffic channels are sending the most traffic to your competitors
What keywords are your competitors ranking for?
What keywords your competitors are losing or losing
Which pages or posts get the most traffic on your competitors' sites.

Now let's move on to our list of traffic inspection tools! We remind you that our company is engaged in high-quality and guaranteed development and optimization of sites in Tashkent!

Let's take a look at the 7 best website traffic checkers:

1. Semrush is one of the leading website traffic checking tools. In addition, it offers a ton of powerful features that can help you boost your website's SEO. All you have to do is enter a website's URL and Semrush will give you information about its traffic, top keywords, top landing pages, backlinks, and more.

2. Ahrefs is another popular SEO tool that provides detailed information about your competitors website traffic. Like Semrush, it also includes a whole suite of other SEO tools besides competitor research.

3. SimilarWeb - What sets SimilarWeb apart is their Chrome extension. After installing the extension, you can click on it to see the basic traffic metrics for any website, and then click on it to get even more data.

4. Website Traffic Checker is a free website traffic checker developed by Neil Patel.

5. Sitechecker - This tool is also on the toolbox with a whole suite of tools like the others on our list.

6. SERanking competitor analysis tool, which is inside a whole suite of SEO and marketing tools. Submitting a URL takes you to their multi-tool dashboard and gives you a lot of information about the competitor you're researching.

7. Serpstat is another all-in-one SEO platform with a set of tools, including a website traffic checker. Just enter a domain and enter your email address to access your competitor's data.

That's all! These were our favorite tools for checking traffic. We hope you find the best one for your website!

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