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Stages of developing an online store on a “turnkey” basis.

08 Sep / 2017 Published: Shoxrux Yuldashev Online shops

We are developing sites from 2011 and our experience shows that an effective way to connect new sales channels and attract potential customers is to create an online store.

How does the online store work? In an online store, choose goods or services, arrange and pay for orders without leaving home. Then, the goods are delivered to the specified address.


Also read on:

1. Three advantages of creating an online store

2. How to calculate the profitability of an online store


So, let's look at step-by-step to develop an online store.

Stage 1. Fill the Brief

The customer should fill in the Brief for the development of an online store.

The Brief displays important questions about tasks, a list of functional capabilities and the expected plans to promote the future of the online store.

By the rule, the Brief is created by the developer company.

Brief allows you to assess the scope of the project, determine the timing and cost of developing an online store.

Therefore, customers should clearly and thoroughly describe all their wishes for the future Internet store.

After completing the Brief, the customer orders the development of an online store and concludes a contract with the performers.

Stage 2. Preparation of the Terms of Reference (TOR)

Further, the preparation of the technical assignment for the development of the Internet store begins.

At this stage:

- the target audience is analyzed

- requirements for software, graphic design and site structure are defined

- approve layouts of future pages of the site and navigation.

Stage 3. Development of the prototype

At this stage, a clear structure of the Internet store is developed, which is called a prototype.

The prototype of the Internet store shows what the future Internet store will look like at an early stage of development: buttons and order form, a basket, sections, a personal cabinet and other functions for the convenience of Internet store customers.

Stage number 4. Design and layout

After the prototype of the Internet store has been approved by the customer, a corporate style with a unique design is developed.

Further on, based on the finished layout of the online store, an adaptive layout is created.

Stage  5. Programming

Now you can start programming and integration.

At this stage, the administration mechanisms are developed, all functionality is integrated and the site is set up on the domain and hosting.

Stage  6. Filling with content

When all the functionality is connected, all modules are integrated, you can proceed to content content.

The content directly affects the attendance and involvement of users of the site.

Stage  7: Testing

The final stage in the development of an online store is testing.

Testing allows you to identify all the errors that occur during the use of the site: check cross-browser compatibility and usability.

Stage. 8. Promotion

The online store is created and functions.

How to make it so that the online store has learned as much as possible the target audience?

The answer is: go to the promotion and promotion on the Internet.

In order to present potential users to their Internet store, it is necessary to approach the promotion and promotion in a complex way: contextual advertising, seo promotion, targeted advertising, advertising banners on thematic Internet sites.

Stage 9. Technical support

At this stage it is important to maintain current content on the site, promptly fix failures and protect the site from viruses.

Also at this stage, you can modify the finished functions and add new ones.

The total stages of creating an online store in our company turned out to be 9. These 9 stages are the main ones and we just tried to show our approach.

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