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How to get a site to the top of the search engines?

27 Jun / 2023 Published: SOS team SEO

Each site owner wants his resource to be in the TOP-10 in search engine results. But how can this be done? In Uzbekistan, they mainly turn to search engines such as Google and Yandex, and take this into account when developing sites in Tashkent. Therefore, we will consider using their example how to properly optimize the site. At the same time, the ranking algorithms of these search engines are similar.

Consider step by step instructions:
- Internal factors may hinder search engine promotion. Therefore, all existing problems, technical errors, incorrect files, tags, crooked links, etc. are first eliminated. This should also include the optimization of the semantic core of the site.
- Content is important for search engine algorithms. If the user can find the information on the site easily, then he will not return to the search bar. In addition to text, you can pay attention to videos, graphics, diagrams, tables and pictures. Important requirements for the text: literacy, logic, disclosure of the topic, originality and uniqueness, confirmed by special sites or tools.
- Formation of links to the site on third-party resources. This issue must be treated carefully.

The Yandex search engine has its own characteristics. For example, in recent years, more and more attention is paid to behavioral factors. In other words, the search engine focuses on users who, by their activity or passivity, express their attitude towards a particular site.

The Google search engine prefers large articles that fully reveal the user's query. To successfully promote on Google, you need to constantly update the content. This does not mean that the texts need to be changed, it is enough to supplement the information that is already on the site.

Only professional web studios in Tashkent can follow all the principles of successful SEO promotion. Contact our experts to get your site in the TOP-10 of search results in the most popular search engines on the Internet.

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